“100 Portraits of Women Artists by Barbara Yoshida,” Feature Shoot, February 16, 2015, by Ellyn Kail:
“Photographer Captures 100 Female Artists In Their Homes and Studios,” The Huffington Post, February 5, 2015, by Priscilla Frank:
“Moon Viewing: Megaliths By Moonlight by Barbara Yoshida,” F-Stop:A Photography Magazine, November 23, 2014, review of Moon Viewing: Megaliths by Moonlight by Richard Storm:
“Barbara Yoshida: Moon Viewing, Megaliths by Moonlight,” L’Oeil (online), October 15, 2014: review of Moon Viewing: Megaliths by Moonlight:
Moon Viewing: Megaliths by Moonlight, Marquand Books, Seattle, 2014: monograph with 39 of Yoshida’s photographs, an essay by Lucy R. Lippard and a foreword by Linda Connor
“Photographing Stone Age Sentinels to the Stars,” Atlas Obscura (blog), September 5, 2014: review of Moon Viewing: Megaliths by Moonlight by Allison Meier:
“11 Photographs of Mysterious Megaliths: Smithsonian Magazine (online), July 3, 2014: review of Moon Viewing: Megaliths, by Moonlight by Erin Corneliussen:
“Otherworldly Photos of Mysterious Megalithic Stones,” (online), June 29, 2014: review of Moon Viewing: Megaliths by Moonlight by Jordan G. Teicher:
“Wyjście z cienia,” Warto!, March 2014, pp. 6-7: review of exhibition at BWA Galeria Sztuki w Olsztynie, Olsztyn, Poland by Katarzyna Janków-Mazurkiewicz
“Kobiety Artystki,” Art & Business, January 14, 2014, online magazine; review of exhibition at BWA Galeria Sztuki w Olsztynie, Olsztyn, Poland by Edyta Pękala:
Catalog for exhibition of Nancy Graves, Ludwig Forum for International Art, Aachen Germany, October, 2013: photograph of Nancy Graves
The Female Gaze: Women Artists Making Their World, exhibition catalog for The Linda Lee Alter Collection, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, November 17, 2012 – April 14, 2013: photograph of Nancy Spero
Runner’s World, November, 2011, p. 6: photograph of my oil painting of Grete Waitz
“Feminoteka u Opatów: Wystawa fotografii Barbary Yoshidy,” Polska Dziennik Baltycki, September 2, 2010: review of exhibition at Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku by Tadeusz Skutnik (in Polish): [pdf]
“Hold-fény képek: Barbara Yoshida,” Fotómuvészet, LI. évfolyam, 2008. 1. szám, pp. 62-71: article by Kemenesi Zsuzsanna with nine full-page photographs of Yoshida’s work (in Hungarian): [pdf]
"Szemednek szegzett…," Élet És Irodalom, November 9, 2007: review of exhibition at Nessim Galéria by Somhegyi Zoltán (in Hungarian): [pdf]
“Mystical megaliths by moonlight,” Budapest Sun, November 8, 2007: review of exhibition at Nessim Galéria by Andreea Anka (in English): [pdf]
Night and Low-Light Photography: Professional Techniques from Experts for Artistic and Commercial Success, Watson-Guptill, August, 2008: five moonlight photographs and text